Sweet and Savory Party Poppers

sweet and savory party poppers

These Sweet and Savory Party Poppers were one of the best things I sampled at the ALDI Taste Kitchen Event.  Thanks to the ALDI kitchen team and Chef Alyssa for sharing the recipe.

Frugal Tip:  ALDI has a variety of gourmet cheeses as seasonal offerings during the holiday season.  Goat cheese, brie, edam, and gouda are available for about 30-50% less than what you would pay at your typical grocery store.  View photos of ALDI 2012 fall seasonal offerings.

Sweet and Savory Party Poppers
Recipe type: appetizers
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Cook time: 
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Serves: 6
These sweet and savory party poppers require only four ingredients, but will be a big hit at your next party!
  • 8 oz. pitted dates
  • 4 oz. brie cheese round
  • 6 oz. slivered almonds
  • 1.5 lb. thick sliced bacon

  1. Preheat oven to 375.
  2. Cut dates in half lengthwise.
  3. Cut brie into bite-sized pieces (about the size of a peanut). Place a piece of brie and 4 almond pieces on the open half of the date; place the other half on top.
  4. Quarter the bacon slices and wrap tightly around the stuffed date. Secure with a toothpick.
  5. Line a baking sheet with foil an place wrapped dates on top.
  6. Bake for 15 minutes until bacon is crispy.
  7. Serve warm.



  1. [...] Sweet and Savory Party Poppers – The last time I made these, my guests loved them… but they didn’t have a clue what was inside! [...]

  2. […] Sweet and Savory Party Poppers – The last time I made these, my guests loved them… but they didn’t have a clue what was inside! […]

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