Rainbow Cupcakes with Cool Whip Frosting

rainbow cupcakes with cool whip frosting

I’ve been wanting to make the colorful rainbow cupcakes I’ve seen online for a long time, but I wasn’t sure the best method to use.  First, I turned to my friends on the Mommysavers forum for advice on how to make rainbow cupcakes.  There are a few different methods of doing it, but I make mine the old-fashioned way with adding a few drops of food coloring into four different bowls of batter:  red, yellow, green and blue.  My friend Shell also has a real cool cheater method of making rainbow color swirl cupcakes.  That may be my NEXT project!

First, I headed off to get my supplies.

  • White box cake mix (I had eggs and oil at home already)
  • Food coloring
  • Frosting
  • Cupcake liners

Plus, for a limited time you’ll be able to print a high-value coupon for the Cool Whip Frosting I used:

kraft cool whip frosting #CoolWhipFrosting

First, frosting.  This new Kraft Cool Whip frosting is available in ready-to-go in three different flavors:  vanilla, chocolate and cream cheese. My Walmart only carried the chocolate and vanilla, but the cream cheese flavor sounds wonderful.   I found mine at Walmart for $2.28.  Each container frosts one cake or a batch of 18-24 cupcakes.  While at the store, I also picked up a boxed cake mix, food coloring, muffin cup liners, and a magazine (not on my list- oops!).

First, prepare your cake batter according to package directions.  A white or yellow cake works best.

rainbow cupcakes recipe

After you prepare your white cake batter, separate it into four separate bowls.  Add a few drops of food coloring into each bowl in rainbow colors you choose.

rainbow cupcakes recipe

Place 18 cupcake liners in muffin tins.  Layer the batter according to the colors of the rainbow.  I first did blue, then green, yellow and red.  I added approximately one teaspoon of each color in the bottom of each cupcake liner.

rainbow cupcakes recipe

Bake your cupcakes according to package directions and cool completely.

cool whip frosting

rainbow cupcakes

Since Cool Whip Frosting is a softer consistency than most frostings, make sure your cakes have thoroughly cooled before using it to prevent it from melting.  I also took the frosting out of the freezer to warm up for a few minutes before using it.  It was the perfect consistency for my piping bags.  It’s slightly firmer than regular Cool Whip whipped topping, but softer than a typical frosting.

cool whip frosting

To make frosting cakes and cupcakes easier AND more attractive, I use a basic Wilton cake decorating set coupler and tip.  You can get one for less than $10, and if taken care of will last forever.  Note:  Since the frosting is cream-based, you’ll need to make sure you keep them refrigerated.

rainbow cupcakes

rainbow cupcakes yum

My son LOVED them. He ate three right away and said, “The frosting is the best part!”

Frugal Tips:  You don’t need to purchase the fancy piping bags.  I just use a cheap-o sandwich bag like the one pictured above by cutting the tip off.  I can throw it away when I’m done, and wash my couplers for the next time I bake.

View my entire Rainbow Cupcakes with Cool Whip Frosting Photo Gallery on Google+.

Check out more awesome cupcakes & cakes on the Kraft Cool Whip Frosting Pinterest Board and more recipes at Kraft recipes.  Want to find out more about Cool Whip Frosting? Join the #CoolWhipFrosting Twitter Party on Wednesday, October 24 at 1pm EST if you are available!

Disclosure:  I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.  This content has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Kraft Cool Whip.  #CoolWhipFrosting #CBias #SocialFabric.  All opinions are my own.


  1. Gorgeous pictures!

  2. Oh Yum! Love the photos too. found you via #SF & your shop.

  3. yummm… i’ve been wondering about that frosting! i’m glad to see your son approves :) so cute!

  4. Those look yummy! I can’t wait to try this frosting, I purchased the cream cheese flavor but haven’t used it yet.

    • frugalbites says:

      Let me know what you think of it, Kathy. I wanted to get the cream cheese flavor but our Walmart didn’t carry it.

  5. Congrats on getting your post accepted by Food Gawker! They look delicious!

  6. I love the cute shot of your son enjoying his cupcakes! That frosting is so addicting! I’m not sure I will ever go back to the old Cool Whip:-)


  1. [...] first posted about Cool Whip Frosting last fall on Frugalbites.com.  Since then, we’ve probably gone through close to ten tubs of it.  Our Walmart regularly [...]

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