Easy Raspberry Chipotle Salad Dressing

raspberry chipotle salad dressing

archer farms raspberry chipotle dressingI am a big fan of recipes that don’t take long; and if the outcome tastes like restaurant fare, even better!  I picked up a bottle of this Archer Farms Raspberry Chipotle grilling sauce at Target yesterday (just $2.99!) and used it to create a salad dressing in under five minutes.   I tossed it with a greens/spinach mix, goat cheese and sliced almonds.  It was delicious!

Frugal Tips:

  • Look for goat cheese at ALDI.  Last month, I spotted President Brie logs on sale there for just $.99!  Sam’s Club and Costco are also great sources for inexpensive cheese.  Soft cheeses are more perishable than hard cheeses, but they can be frozen.
  • Sliced almonds run about $2.49 (ALDI) to $2.99 (Target) a bag.  A little goes a long way!  I used less than 1/4 bag on these salads.  Don’t forget to put the partially used bag in the freezer so the nuts stay fresh for the next time you use them.
  • The rest of your Raspberry Chipotle Sauce will taste good on grilled chicken, but it’s also great as an appetizer.  Pour about 1/3 C. over a block of softened cream cheese for a frugal appetizer.  Serve with crackers or cocktail bread.
Easy Raspberry Chipotle Salad Dressing
Recipe type: Salad
Prep time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 4
An easy semi-homemade dressing that’s ready within minutes!
  • ½ C. Raspberry Chipotle Sauce (any brand will work)
  • ⅓ C. vegetable oil
  • 2 Tbsp. red wine vinegar
  • Cracked black pepper to taste

  1. Whisk the ingredients above together until emulsified. Enjoy!

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