Toffee Club Crackers

These Toffee Club Crackers were something I remember my Grandma making at Christmastime. I’m not sure I got the recipe quite right, but they were delicious (almost addictive!) nonetheless. There are many, many variations of these cracker cookies. I also have a recipe that uses graham crackers and pecans – also delicious. Really, the possibilities are endless.

Toffee Club Crackers
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Serves: 40 pieces

  • ½ stick butter
  • ½ stick margarine
  • ⅓ cup sugar
  • ¼ cup slivered almonds
  • Chocolate drizzle (optional)
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lay out one sleeve of Club crackers on a baking sheet. Meanwhile, heat butter, margarine and sugar in a medium saucepan until bubbly. Pour over the Club crackers. Press slivered almonds onto the tops of the crackers. Bake 8-10 minutes or until lightly browned. Once cool, add a drizzle of chocolate (optional) made from melted chocolate chips or chocolate almond bark.



  1. These look so good! Super easy to make too!


  1. […] 11. Toffee Club Crackers Perhaps like the recipe creator you remember your grandmother making these types of crackers during the holiday season. The interesting part about them is how easy they are to make, and how scant the ingredients list as. With just a few common ingredients you can put together these crackers and have a sweet and salty treat that has been described as nearly addictive. They should be a hit at any holiday gathering this year, and the only complaint you might get it is that people are upset that they can’t stop themselves from eating more of it. Almonds, chocolate, sugar, and butter never tasted so good! […]

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